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Flooring is in my blood as a 3rd generation flooring professional, my grandfather was an installer and then went into sales, my father was an installer and then went into flooring project management, my mom and bonus dad have been in the business for over 30 years. I grew up around job sites and remember vividly the distinct smell of the warehouses, crawling around carpet samples in my grandfather’s van, sitting on rolls of carpet and pad as we drove to job sites and to be let out on my own to do various tasks. I have some scars from those early days that bring back found memories. I went away from the flooring business for some time focusing on my education and working closely with and leading Teams of people in various industries for the last 20 years. I am back to where I belong, in the flooring business and have been here for the past several years. I love working with clients and our Teams to give our clients what they deserve no matter the size of the project. My two daughters, brother, sister-in-law, nephew and are all part of the business, so it truly is something we are all passionate about. We are dedicated to wanting to be your lifelong flooring partners with exceptional client service based on integrity, responsiveness and a people-centric approach. In my free time, in the summer you will find me hanging with my wife of 27 years, family and friends boating on the Mississippi river, we love to volunteer and support local businesses, love to travel, are huge dog lovers and try to make the most out of each day with a positive outlook on the future.